+370 604 01010
I-V 09:00 - 18:00

Sign Up


Ti register in www.fotofabrikas.lt:
  1. Press “Register”.
  2. Enter registration data.
  3. Press „Confirm“.
  4. Check e-mail which you stated during registration and press the link in received letter (or copy confirmation code to the opened form).

Information which you type during registration is necessary for permission to use our service. It also might be used (if necessary) to contact our clients.


Password reminder

If you forget your password, use password reminder function.
  1. Press "forgot password".
  2. Enter your user name and e-mail.
  3. Press "Confirm".
Check your e-mail - you will find automatic system generated password. You can change it when you log in.


How to change password

You can change your password anytime you log in.
  1. Log in with your user name and password.
  2. Open the main page, press "My profile"
  3. Type and repeat new password.
  4. Press “Submit”.
You will need new password next time you log in www.fotofabrikas.lt


Changing user information

User information can be changed in any time after you log in.
  1. Log in with your user name and password.
  2. Open the main page, press "My profile"
  3. Enter changes.
  4. Press “Submit”.
