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Illusion 95mm Digital Dynamic Diffusion 1/4 Filter

Illusion 95mm Digital Dynamic Diffusion 1/4 Filter
Заказанный продуктВ продаже Есть
Доставка 10-19 р.д.
осталось 2 шт

Illusion 95mm Digital Dynamic Diffusion 1/4 Filter описание

The Illusion Filters are the new, in house manufactured set of filters specifically designed for the Circular 95mm Standard of the Mirage Matte Box.

This filter is a type of diffusion filter that subtly reduces contrast and helps mitigate the ultra-sharpness associated with modern digital cameras while still retaining as much detail as possible.

This filter helps create a film like visual atmosphere and more flattering skin tones without causing excessive blooming of highlights.

When compared to the standard Digital Diffusion Filter, this filter renders more sharpness while retaining some subtle elements of more pronounced diffusion filters.

Время доставки 10-19 р.д.

Производитель Tilta
Время доставки 10-19 р.д.
Коды продуктa

05324AVX 0810076276885


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