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Click & Grow Smart Garden refill Lovage 3pcs

Click & Grow Smart Garden refill Lovage 3pcs
Код: 07008NRD
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Код производителя: SGR98X3
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Доставка 5-10 р.д.
осталось 6 шт
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Click & Grow Smart Garden refill Lovage 3pcs описание

Lovage is a really unassuming and simple herb in appearance, but a powerful tool in the kitchen for the experienced chef. It is similar to celery and parsley, but has a more intense flavor.

Lovage is often seen used in combination with other herbs to create the perfect flavors. Never let it take center stage, but rather use it as a secret ingredient to add a little something special to the aroma and flavor of your dish.

Traditionally, Lovage has been widely used and perhaps somewhat forgotten in Europe and Great Britain, but due to its bold and distinctive taste, it is sure to make a comeback as a new trend in cooking.
  • Germinates: in 7-14 days
  • Harvest: 5-12 weeks
  • Grows best at a temperature of: 18​​–26° C

Время доставки 5-10 р.д.

Производитель Click & Grow
Время доставки 5-10 р.д.
Коды продуктa

07008NRD SGR98X3 4742793003962


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