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Nielsen Clipframe 6824001 Anti-Reflex A3 29.7x42 cm

Nielsen Clipframe 6824001 Anti-Reflex A3 29.7x42 cm
Заказанный продуктВ продаже Есть
Доставка 14-17 р.д.
осталось 7 шт
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Nielsen Clipframe 6824001 Anti-Reflex A3 29.7x42 cm описание

The 6824001 Anti-Reflex from Nielsen is a frameless picture frame suitable for one picture. You can insert a picture of 29.7x42 cm in this frame. The picture frame is characterized by its anti reflection finish. The total dimensions, including the frame, are 29.7x42 cm.

Usage 6824001 Anti-Reflex

The photo frame is suitable for vertical and horizontal attachment to the wall.

Photo frames from Nielsen

The picture frames are produced in Germany. When you have Nielsen picture frames in your hands for the first time, you will immediately feel the premium quality. The frame is made with great precision and all the parts fit closely together. Nielsen works with three types of picture frames: wood, metal and borderless. Nielsen picture frames are available in all standard sizes, from small to large. Nielsen uses FSC-certified wood for its photo frames, which comes from sustainable and social forest management. Nielsen uses high quality aluminium for its aluminium frames.

Large assortment

Benel has included a large part of the Nielsen picture frames in its assortment. Have you seen a nice picture frame, but the size does not meet your wishes? Then of course you can contact us.

Время доставки 14-17 w.d.

Производитель Nielsen design
Время доставки 14-17 w.d.
Коды продуктa

02124BNL 4012292772400


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