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Falcon Eyes Flexible LED Panel RX-12T 30x45 cm Set 1

Falcon Eyes Flexible LED Panel RX-12T 30x45 cm Set 1
Заказанный продуктВ продаже Есть
Доставка 5-19 р.д.
осталось 1 шт

Falcon Eyes Flexible LED Panel RX-12T 30x45 cm Set 1 описание

This combi consists of an RX-12T panel, with all necessary accessories. You receive a LMC-1900 tripod, softbox and honeycomb. The RX-12T panel is flexibly usable and the CRI value of 95 ensures natural colors.

Usage RX-12T set 1

The set is ideal when you want to improve your lighting to professional level in a short time period. The RX-12T panel offers many possibilities for both photo and video recordings. The lightweight materials ensure that you take the set effortlessly on location. Optionally, V-mount batteries are available so you do not have to rely on a power outlet. Details of all individual products can be found on the separate product page's.

Время доставки 5-19 р.д.

Производитель Falcon eyes
Время доставки 5-19 р.д.
Коды продуктa



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