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Zoologija 25 preparatai

Код: 04923KVG
Заказанный продуктВ продаже Есть
осталось 1 шт
Доставка 5-19 р.д.


"Zoologijos" rinkinį sudaro 25 preparatai. Rinkinį sudarantys preparatai:#4978 ZOOLOGY, VERTEBRATE INCLUDING MAMMALIA (25 SLIDES)1. Frog skin2. Frog small intestine3. Frog blood smear4. Frog testis, section5. Frog, liver, section6. Frog heart, section7. Rabbit, liver, section8. Rabbit, testis, section9. Rabbit, ovary, section10. Rabbit, spinal cord, transversal section.11. Rabbit, motor nerve ending, w.m.12. Compact bone.13. Wall of stomach, section (Mammal)14. Small intestine (Mammal)15. Large intestine (Mammal)16. Pancreas (Mammal)17. Spleen, section (Mammal)18. Gall bladder, section (Mammal)19. Lung, section (Mammal)20. Artery and vein (Mammal)21. Kidney, lateral section (Mammal)22. Huma sperms, smear23. Huma skin, sec. through sweat gland24. Eyeball, lateral section (Mammal)25. Human chromosomes in blood, male and female.


Производитель Konus
Время доставки 5-19 р.д.
Коды продуктa 04923KVG