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StudioKing Video Clipboard SK-CB3025A

StudioKing Video Clipboard SK-CB3025A
Заказанный продуктВ продаже Распродано
Доставка 14-17 р.д.
осталось 0 шт
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StudioKing Video Clipboard SK-CB3025A описание

Light, camera, action! The StudioKing Clipboard SK-CB3025A is an indispensable tool for every videographer and filmmaker. During the synchronization of the image and sound of a film, it is important that it runs exactly in sync. When the clapper of the SK-CB3025A makes contact with the lower part this results in a high peak on the audio track. You can then search in the film for the frame where the clapper hits the lower part, easily synchronize this.

Usage StudioKing Video Clipboard SK-CB3025A

Movies, video clips, TV shows and more. The clapstick can be used in any situation imaginable, where it is essential that image and sound run exactly in parallel. The board has the following fields to fill in; Production, roll, scene, shot, take, director, cameraman and date. You can fill in these fields with a whiteboard marker (not included). Making a mistake in the written text is not a problem, because the clapper is made of plastic you simply wipe it away and rewrite the text.

Время доставки 14-17 w.d.

Производитель Studioking
Время доставки 14-17 w.d.
Коды продуктa

02972BNL 871812709928 8718127099280


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