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Click & Grow Smart Garden refill Shungiku 3pcs

Code: 07005NRD
Manufacturer code: SGR81X3
Orderable productIn trade available
Stock 12 pcs.
Delivery 5-10 w.d.


Benefits of Click & Grow Red Mustard: This leafy green is an excellent source of vitamins and antioxidants Fresh and clean, no GMOs, herbicides or pesticides. Also known as crown goblet, shungiku is a staple leafy green in many Asian cuisines. A key ingredient in many stir-fries, stews, casseroles and hotpots, this chrysanthemum green is easy to grow in the Click & Grow smart garden. The shungiku should be cooked very lightly so that they retain their crunchy texture and taste. Add to dishes last for maximum flavor!Shungik has its best flavor and highest nutritional value at five to six weeks of age. The last time for harvesting is at the age of seven weeks. Germinates: in 7-14 days Harvest: 5-6 weeks Grows best at a temperature of: 18​​–30° C


Producer Click & Grow
Delivery time 5-10 w.d.
Product codes 07005NRD SGR81X3 4742793002293